Special Prison Events


Gospel Echoes Teams, in a joint effort with volunteers from local churches, share the Gospel through special weekend events. Freedom Rallies include music, preaching, literature distribution, one-on-one visitation, fellowship, outdoor concerts, and, where possible, a picnic cookout meal.

These events emphasize evangelism and outreach to prison inmates. Freedom Rallies bring the local church in contact with the area prisons


The Cookie Project is a special outreach to prisoners each year just before Christmas. It’s an opportunity to bring some cheer and a message of hope to prisoners during the loneliest time of the year.

Over a thousand families are involved in baking cookies and signing Christmas cards with words of hope. Each package includes homemade cookies, a scripture address booklet and a signed card. The goal is to give every inmate and all staff in the facility a package of cookies. This is an opportunity to reach the entire population in a prison, not just those who would attend a special service.

Hundreds of volunteers assist in the distribution, with many opportunities to go cell to cell and personally hand out the cookies. This ministry of giving has made a powerful impact as inmates and staff are reminded of God’s love.


Make a Difference! Become a Volunteer!

Thousands of volunteers assist with the prison ministry. There are many different ways to become a part of the ministry and make a difference.

Gospel Echoes is supported through church offerings, individual and business donations, monthly partners, and other fundraising efforts.

Find out how you can get involved.

PO Box 555
Goshen, IN 46527
(574) 533-0221