Delaware Banquet, Greenwood, DE -HT, MRT, LT

Sam Yoder Farm 89 Hunting Quarter Road, Houston, DE, United States

The Gospel Echoes will hold their annual Banquet at the Sam Yoder Farm,  89 Hunting Quarter Rd., Houston, DE, Thursday, November 1, 2018,6:30 PM. Call for complimentary tickets: Roger and Wava Swartzentruber 302-349-4692 / 542-9218 or John David Swartzwentruber 302-337-7290. The evening includes a delicious home cooked meal Gospel Music, and a prisoner testimony. 

Virginia Beach SING – Providence Menn. Va., Beach, VA -HT, MRT, LP

Virginia Beach SING - Providence Mennonite Church - HT, MRT, LP 5363 Old Providence Rd, 23464, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

VA BEACH SING - Providence Menn. CH, 5363 Old Providence Road,  VA Beach, VA Friday, November 2, 2018 7:00 PM, For Info: Jason Miller 757-270-8430