New Life Team

New Life Team

New Life Team directors, Todd and Anita Neuschwander, have served with Gospel Echoes since 1992. Todd is an ordained minister and serves on the Leadership team of Gospel Echoes Team. The Neuschwander family, Maria and Ethan are part of the team based in Goshen, IN.
Todd serves in the Goshen office and preaches in various prison meetings and church revivals throughout the U.S. and Canada. The family participates in the music ministry.
Tim Gerber also sings with the New Life Team, Tim is also the manager of GET Printing where Gospel Echoes Bible Study Courses are printed.
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Holman Corr. Facility – MRT,HT,CRT,NLT
Holman Corr. AtmoreFirst Baptist Church of Atmore – MRT,HT,CRT,NLT
First Baptist Atmore 310 S. Main St, AtmoreHunt Corr. Facility – MRT
Elayn Hunt Corr. Center St. GabrielGospel Echoes is supported through church offerings, individual and business donations, monthly partners, and other fundraising efforts.